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Important Information on Trains between Stations

Passengers can book tickets for trains between stations on the general quota, tatkal quota, special quotas for women and defence quotas and the allocation of the same is depended upon the availability of the seats on that particular train.

In order to know if there will be availability of seats, the passengers must first find out if that particular train stops at the station and the duration of the halts. The information about the halts will be available in the railway time table. There are two types of railway time table - one, which is the working time table, to which only the railway staff has the access and the other is the normal time table, which the passengers can view.

If the passengers make a reservation on the train that does not have a halt at a particular station, they can always travel to the next nearest station within the city to board the train. It would be advisable to make the reservation at least 120 days in advance to ensure that the passengers definitely get a seat/berth to travel. In case they do not get the reservation, there is the option of making a tatkal reservation.

Tatkal bookings exhaust faster than the normal ones because it is the last minute reservations and allocated on the “first-come-first-served” basis. Additionally, the rates for these tickets are higher than the general quotas and the passengers will have to pay the full fare even though they book for the indian railways train between stations.

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