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Trains between Stations – Know Them for Easy Traveling

Trains between Stations run at different timings of the day, so that all the passengers can travel at their own convenient time. Some start early in the morning, and people who want to reach a place early can select these trains. For those who have to go to a place, finish their work and go home later on the day, there are trains that start off late at night. So you can check the timings of the train and choose the one that is suitable to you.


Both passenger and cargo trains are run by Indian Railways. There are usually different trains to carry the freight and the passengers. But if the route is not a busy one, then the same train will carry both the passengers and the cargo, since it is unprofitable to operate separate trains for them.


When you book tickets on trains running between important stations, you have to take care that you book the ticket well in advance; because the routes between important stations are always busy and it is difficult to get a reserved ticket on trains running along busy routes. There is a provision to book your tickets as early as 60 days prior to the date of departure of the train. Sometimes, especially during the peak times, the tickets are sold as soon as the counters open for selling the tickets.


Whenever you book tickets in trains check trains between stations, so that you can select the right train for your travel and have a tension-free journey.

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